Tuesday, June 26, 2012

General Coffee State Park

Oh, how I loved General Coffee State Park! I LOVE horses, goats, donkeys not so much, but I loved the park! Here are some pictures some of the things the park had. This particular section or the park is called The Heritage Farm. As you can see it is a beautiful farm.
                                  Here is a nanny goat that was standing
                                  in the feed trough trying to get people to
                                     pet her!!! She was very sweet.

                                Here is a turtle that we were feeding fish
                                food to! At first he was not so sure about
                                it. He didn't act like he wanted to eat. Well
                                then 2 ducks came up!( Forgive me. I don't
                                have a picture of the ducks!) They wanted to
                               eat! So when the ducks came up and were
                               eating all of the food, the turtle decided that he
                                wanted to eat the food too! It's all jealousy!!! :)
                                 Here is goat that I liked. You can't really tell,
                                 but he has very LARGE horns!!! He is pretty
                                 to me! I used to have goats but we got rid of
                                 them because they are ESCAPE ARTISTS for
This was the horse I fell in love with!
                                              She is SO friendly!
This is a little lamb that was loose.

                                      It was very friendly, though!!!

These chickens look like the chickens that I have!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Not Afraid!

Well you may wonder, why in the world did she name this post "Not Afraid"?

Well it's because of something my daddy told me today! He said to me, " You aren't afraid of that duck out there are you? You got pretty close to him!"

In South Georgia, you don't walk outside after a rainy day and see a duck in your yard on a daily bases! It doesn't rain every day in South Georgia but I just mean when it does rain. But today after all the rain, my family and I saw a duck! Just out in the open in our yard! So I told my daddy," I am going to go get my camera! I want to get some pictures of this duck!"

So I followed this duck around the yard, barefoot, after all the rain not to mention, and I get some good pictures of this duck! At once, I was less than 2 feet away from that duck!!! And the duck looked at me. I looked at the duck. Since he was looking at me like I was out of my mind, I thought he was going to chase me! But instead it looked like he was posing for me!!! I wasn't afraid of that duck at all!!!! He was a pretty duck as you can see:

                                   In this picture he (or she) looks mad
                                                          at me!!!
                                          He's determined to get away from
                                                       this beast! (me)

Everyone may think, I thought this blog was meant for cakes and cookies and crafts! Technically , they are correct! But I thought, You know, people from Wisconsin or other Northern States, might not see ducks much. Instead, they see Chipmunks! I want to see Chipmunks! So, someone could share pictures of Chipmunks and they could look at my pics of ducks!!! I don't know. It was just a thought!