Well you may wonder, why in the world did she name this post "Not Afraid"?
Well it's because of something my daddy told me today! He said to me, " You aren't afraid of that duck out there are you? You got pretty close to him!"
In South Georgia, you don't walk outside after a rainy day and see a duck in your yard on a daily bases! It doesn't rain every day in South Georgia but I just mean when it does rain. But today after all the rain, my family and I saw a duck! Just out in the open in our yard! So I told my daddy," I am going to go get my camera! I want to get some pictures of this duck!"
So I followed this duck around the yard, barefoot, after all the rain not to mention, and I get some good pictures of this duck! At once, I was less than 2 feet away from that duck!!! And the duck looked at me. I looked at the duck. Since he was looking at me like I was out of my mind, I thought he was going to chase me! But instead it looked like he was posing for me!!! I wasn't afraid of that duck at all!!!! He was a pretty duck as you can see:
In this picture he (or she) looks mad
at me!!!
He's determined to get away from
this beast! (me)
Everyone may think, I thought this blog was meant for cakes and cookies and crafts! Technically , they are correct! But I thought, You know, people from Wisconsin or other Northern States, might not see ducks much. Instead, they see Chipmunks! I want to see Chipmunks! So, someone could share pictures of Chipmunks and they could look at my pics of ducks!!! I don't know. It was just a thought!

I love ducks!Don't see that very often in South Georgia.
What a beautiful duck. Too bad you don't have a pond he or she coukd swim in.